Friday, November 20, 2009

Mein Kampf

"I think, therefore I am..".... Is this my validation?.. Impossible.. For what I am, is not what I be.... Huh?.... But this self-deprecating (Or is it defecating?) (I guess it's all the same, really..) state of mind is nowhere near reliable, in efforts such as these.. But then again, have you ever noticed how deep and insightful people tend to get (Or at least act) the later they stay up?.. All of a sudden they're a modern Confucius.. That, or just plain 'ol confused.. I suppose the two are easy to mix up.. You'd think he'd have been more confused himself, with a name like Confucius and all.. And you see?.. This is exactly what I'm talking about.. Me, talking about Confucius as if he's in the latest Twilight movie or something.. Hot topic as he may be (Or not).... But I'm digging.. I'm acting as a paleontologist in nothing more than a metaphorical limerick.. And that means absolutely nothing to the mainstream.. But I don't concern myself with the likes of them anyway.. Such a meaningless existence.... I need to progress.. I need to move through ranks; but for what?.. Sanity?.. Happiness?.. Validation?.. Purpose?.. Meaning?.. Security?.. Stability?.. Hope?.. Drive?.. The will to go on?.. These are all the same to me.... Nonexistent....

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