Sunday, January 2, 2011

Unnecessarily Big Water Bill..

So my neighbors still have their sprinklers on... I wonder if those kinds of people even notice things like that.. I tend to take those types of things very personally.. I think it's because I notice everything.. every little thing.. Like one of those old-school farmer types, very particular... or "anal" (anal retentive) as I think most people would say nowadays... and I think that my noticing everything sometimes makes me feel like it would have to be impossible for others not to notice these things as well... But that kind of ignorance (truly) is bliss, I'm beginning to believe.. Those are the kinds of people that leave their sprinklers on during rainstorms and sleep like they've just had a couple of Ambiens, while people like me lay awake and wonder if the mustard and the ketchup talk to each other when you close the refrigerator door... I envy those other people.... such simple beings.... Not that I'm dubbing myself as more sophisticated, or even "complicated"... but I simply make things hard on myself.... or maybe I can't help it... I don't know.... but I know that I can't make it stop..... If I could... I'd be asleep right now.......

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