Sunday, June 6, 2010

Three Strikes..

Sooo.... I was talking about annoying drivers yesterday.... And it's kind of funny.. the things that I saw the VERY next day.... I was driving home from Clovis today, just in time to catch the second half of the Laker game (YEAH, WHATEVER).. and I encountered a few interesting things... As I was driving along Academy, I saw a maroon SUV coming in the opposite direction. For whatever reason, I turned to look at it as it neared me.. I had to do a double-take to make sure my eyes hadn't decieved me the first time... There was A BABY at the steering wheel.. Now this wasn't a Britney Spears kind of scenario.. going through town; home, just around the corner (wrong as it was)... NO... This was an SUV going about 65, down a major road, with a child (that could NOT have been any older than two) behind the wheel... It made me sick... I hoped so bad that they'd get pulled over.. That's the kind of thing that needs to be "nipped in the bud"... And then........ as I'm driving down 180... I see a truck pull over to the side of the road, and about three men get out... I think I knew in my mind what was coming next.. but there's nothing like actually seeing it... Right on the side of the road.. terribly visible.. where there are ALWAYS cops, driving up and down.... The men.. are peeing.... contaminating some poor farmer's land.. as bold as they could be, and as if this is what they were born to do..... no shame...... and finally.... as I'm now on Reed.... There is a car in front of me.. going what must've been a faithful 49 mph.... all of a sudden... they swerve clear into the oncoming lane, just as a huge truck is approaching, in that same (opposite) direction... just as I think they must be committing suicide... I realize what had happened... They were trying to kill themselves.... the people in the truck... and possibly, me (and the car following VERY CLOSE behind me).... In order to spare the life of a squirrel........................ WHAT??????!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yeah peoples logic on the road is wack. I will give the benefit of the doubt to the guys peeing because maybe they really had to go and i know that if i had to really bad i would stop and pee in a bush LOL.i wish there was a button you could press to instantly spawn a patrol car when you see people being stupid so the cop could pull them over but they are never in the right place at the right time. Stupid Squirrels!

  2. Artie: Hahaha!.. I love your sympathy for the peeing guys.. You're a kind-hearted man.. And YES!.. I've thought the same thing about being able to reach cops like that.. I get pulled over for going 5 miles over the speed limit, but the driving baby gets away! haha... one time I actually called 911 on a drunk driver and they started questioning ME!! AGH!! haha..

  3. call me soulless but i absolutely refuse to swerve for anything smaller than a deer and not human. I just can't put anybody else at risk for the welfare of that rodent or whatever it is. as for the peeing guys, if you gotta go, you gotta go. what other options are there? as for the driving baby... i just hope the parent doesn't learn better the hard way.
